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Showing posts from September, 2017

waymo the self driving car

ABSTRACT: Waymo is an autonomous car development company.It is a spun out of Google’s parent company,Alphabet inc.,,in 2016 December. Alphabet describes Waymo as “a self-driving tech company with a mission to make it safe and easy for people and things to move around” This driverless car can steer itseif while looking out for obstacles.It can stop and go based on traffic condition.It is the combination of different technologies developed by google.That will allow car to drive itself even on highway. The project is currently being led by:  Sebastian Thrun He is the Director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 2005 PA Grand Challenge           Winner 2006  Co-inventor of Google Street     View. Some features of this car are: Ø Uses Google map, sensors, artificial intelligence Ø Lidar produced detailed map of the environment Ø Car uses white stripes on road to know lanes Ø 360 degree motion sensor and cameras to sense Ø Control of the car still exis

rule based machine translation

Hi friend today let us know about rule based machine translation.this one of  approaches of machine translation and this is  earliest machine translation approach Rule-based machine translation   (RbMT) refers to a  machine translation engine  built on algorithms that analyze the syntax of the  source language  and uses rules to transfer the meaning to the  target languag e  by building a sentence.  The rule based machine translation systems are developed  in early 1970’s they are -Systran -Japanese mt -eurotra At present following companies using  rule based machine translation are - Apertium - GramTrans  The RBMT is based on linking structure  of given input with structure of demanded output service necessarily preserving their unique meaning. For this process we need following -           A dictionary that will map every world of source language to target language -           Rules representing regular source sentence structure -           Rules represe

what is machine translation?

I guess  you might have used translator at least once. If you interested in knowing how this for read the info below. Machine translation (MT) is automated translation. It is the process by which computer software is used to translate a text from one natural language to another .  Its purpose is to process any translation, human or automated, the meaning of a text in the source language must be fully restored in the target language. A translator must interpret and analyze all of the elements in the text and know how each word may influence another. This requires extensive expertise in grammar, syntax (sentence structure), meaning The history of machine translation dates back to world war 2. In 1947, an American mathematician and scientist named  Warren Weaver  published a memorandum to his peers outlining his beliefs about a computer's capability to render one language into another using logic, cryptography, frequencies of letter combinations, and linguistic patterns. Trador

How to download pppts from this blog

Hi everyone We provide interesting seminar topics with ppt presentation.if you have a problem downloading seminar presentation follow following steps Click on menu Select download a copy.                                     Click here to see all our seminar topics with. Ppt presentationon and abstract

Brain chips

Introduction: Thousands of people around the world suffer from paralysis they need to depend on some one for even some basic   tasks brain chips can become  a handy at this case .Brains are made with a view to enhance the memory of human beings, to help paralyzed patients, and are also intended to serve military purposes. It is likely that implantable computer chips acting as sensors, This is like a implantable computer chip in brain. This consists of both biological and electronic term's. A chip in the Braingate system is of 100 hair thin electrodes.It senses electromagnetic signature of Neutrons.The Brain chip provides fast and reliable connection between the brain of a severely disabled person and personal computer. Braingate is a technology is a technology by which the electrical signal is exchanged by neurons within the brains are used to execute body moment .  Hardware of brain chips  It mainly consists of. Four parts ->chips: A Four millimeter squa

Green computing

introduction: green computing is environmental friendly and Eco friendly use of computer resources.It is also defined as  and disposing of computing devices in a way that reduces their environmental impact. It involves implementation    of energy-efficient CPUs,servers and peripherals.This is needed to prevent wastage of power consumption of is needed to reduce  pollution  due to manufacturing techniques, ,packaging,disposal of computers and components.this is also needed to reduce  toxicity as there are toxic chemicals used in the manufacturing of computers and components which can enter the food chain and water. In one word green computing means usage of computer in a such a way that it could save environment,energy,money.  lead,mercury,cadmium are chemicals that we use generally in CPU's this are very harmful to our body. How to achieve green computing? This can be achieved by using  bamboo,recycle bale plastic,eco friendly flame redundant,inventory

Stress on students

ABSTRACT: Student life has many benefits,but it also imposes inevitable stresses.This is because of our present education system.Students are constantly facing new situations where the outcome is often uncertain.Stress is not always bad but appropriate level of stress can effectively motivate student towards growth and self satisfaction. CAUSES FOR STRESS ON STUDENTS: 1. ACADEMICS 2. DATING 3. ENVIRONMENT 4. EXTRA CURRICULAR 5. WORKLOAD 6. TIME MANAGEMENT 7. PARENTAL PRESSURE ACADEMICS: › It's like a pressure cooker in here! No doubt, school is tough. For some, it's the worry of being able to get enough credits to graduate high school, while for others it's being able to get a 4.0 GPA and get into Stanford. No matter what our goals are, we all struggle with a tremendous amount of stress and pressure. DATING: › Student life throughout high school and college is filled with thinking about dating, dating, trying to date, failing to date, and be

Google home vs amazon echo

This could deliver much more better sound quality than amazon echo. Google home is best if you need to get information from web whereas amazon echo is good if u need to get shopping home also helps you to  keep track of your conservation. However it s WiFi integration is poor when compared to Amazon echo .google supports only 200 third party services whereas Alexa supports 1100 third party services.Even tough amazon echo support voice calling with a supported echo device or Alexa app whereas Google home enables you to call you to actual phone numbers directly if those contacts are available in your Google home has multi user and multi home functionality.Google home let's user to switch accounts by just identifying  your voice whereas in Amazon echo you need to ask it to switch to an account x.Google home has synced audio play back to other devices which is still lacking in Amazon echo. Amazon echo has more fun abstract than Google home . Amazo

Google home

Hi everyone we all know that Google is a big innovative company.It is coming up with good innovations from time to time. Her is another best innovation of Google The Google home.Immagine a smart speaker that could not only play music but also act as a personal assistant.This could operate on our voice commands using Google Assistant.You could play  music from Services like spotify, YouTube music, Pandora,IHeartRadio and many more and also you can play music from your phone either by connecting it to Google home by using Bluetooth or by 100+chrome cast Enabled audio app just by commanding Ok Google and saying song details to play the song you can also play music based on your mood ,and you can  also play a personised content just by commanding ok Google or hello Google  and giving  the details.This is really a interesting feature of Google home as a speaker isn't it  It has many more features.You can also set reminder to go to any place or you can aslo set alarm. Another

Amazon echo the smart speaker

Hi everyone we all know that amazon  as best online shopping spot, but amazon also manfacture some products.Today let me introduce you to one of amazing products of amazon.It is known as amazon echo.Just imagine how it is going to be to have a smart  speaker that could not only play your favorite tunes but also read you news and control your compatabile devices.If you ever dream of having such a speaker then amazon if going  to fulfill your dream with Amazon echo at just 179.99$. They teamed up with  Alexa to build this device . This also acts as a personal assistant. Here are the officially declared features of amazon echo. *    Plays all your music from Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio, TuneIn, and more using just your voice    * Introducing Alexa calling and messaging, a new way to be together with family and friends. Just ask Alexa to call or message anyone with an Echo, Echo Dot, or the Alexa App. *    Fills the room with immersive, 360º omni-directional audi

Wi-vi the wifi vision

ABSTRACT: A new technology known as  Wi-Vi is bouncing up with a good progress.It is similar Radar and Sonar depends on radio signals  of wifi.I monitor movements of people in closed rooms or behind a wall. Wi-Vi was created by Dina Katabi ,a professor  in MIT,and her graduate student Fadel Adib. Wi-Vi technology can detect number of humans in a closed room. Enable communication through a wall without carrying a wireless device.Identify simple gestures from behind a wall. This Wi-Vi signals uses Wi-Fi signals,as Wi-Fi signals can penetrate through walls. Wi-Vi relies on a simple hardware of 2.GHz  Wi-Fi radios small enough to be portably used.Integrated in hand held devices.Low power Wi-Fi signals are used. A Wi-Vi system constitutes-  1.Two transmitting antennas 2.single receiver. This technology is based on principle of Rada and Sonar.Radar and Sonar works on Doppler effect. This technology uses reflected Wi-Fi signals to track the movement o

Eye tribe - The revolution in optical technology

Eventogh many technology are available in market that could control devices by eye moment eye tribe  is relatively cheaper.It is invented by a team from  IT University of Copenhagen  with a vision of providing a way of communication for disabled people at low price in 2009 they came with a product called ITU gaze tracker.It is one of most downloaded eye open source eye tracker.It helped people who are in need of eye tracking technology. Then they decided to increase scope of their technology to be used by everyone in third day to day life.I. 2011 they partispated in  startup weekend mobile event program where they met other skilled professional with thier  effort they made other product known as senseye and the company eye tribe is born 2012, about a year after the company was founded, The Eye Tribe raised 1 Million US dollars in funding from a group of European investors. The Eye Tribe is now leading a 4.4 Million US dollars project co-founded by The Danish National Advanced Techno


Hi guys we are back again with a new seminar topic and a interesting technology called LiFi here is abstract on LiFi . Definition; Light Fidelity or  li-Fiis a Visible Light Communications (VLC) system running wireless communications traveling at very high speeds. It is a wireless optical networking technology that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for data transmission. Ever since the invention of wheel the technology is updating, covering the problems of its preceding technology. In fact the problems in the technology  gave rise to many interesting technology. This is also happened in case of lifi. Even though wifi technology is good the following factors need to be improved CAPACITY EFFICIENCY AVAILABILITY  SECURITY  And also maximum speed  that can be achieved by wifi is 9gb p/s. To improve the above factors lot of research is done in  Visible light communication technology and lifi is introduced in 2011. With the development of technology L

The truth about hacking

The Process of attempting to gain or successfully    gaining, unauthorized access to computer resources   is called   Hacking. Hacking is been a part of Computer for over 40 year's.The first hacker is from MIT In  the  computer  security  context,  a  hacker  is someone who  seeks  and  exploits  weaknesses  in  a  computer system  or  computer  network.  The programers prefer to refer them as crakers. This are the main reasons for hacker to hack a system. -Just for fun. -Show off. -Notify many people their thought. -Steal important information. -Destroy enemy’s computer network during the war. Hacking is mainly divided into two types - ethical hacking - unethical hacking Ethical hacking is where a person hacks to find weaknesses in a system and then usually patches them.This is Often done to protect from. Hacking Unethical hacking  is often done to break into a network system to steal information or money, and sometimes to cause damage by inserting a vir

MIUI 8 vs IOS 11

Hi  Guys... T oday Iam here with a interesting comparision between features of  ios 11 and  MIUI 8 ,which got the great response from the world in least time. Here are few listed new features of ios 11 : The new Dock.Bottom line, a more powerful way to work. Multitasking.Better in multiple ways. Scan and Sign. Control Centre.Make it your own. Do not disturb.When you're driving,just drive. QuickType keyboard.Type with one hand tied behind your back. However,most of ios 11 features are not same as those of MIUI 8. But some of them are familiar in both of them.. and let us see that familiar features in both ios 11 and MIUI 8. 1. Notification & Toggles Layout : This feature gives our phone a cool look by it's animations that are getting much good in Nougat 7.0. 2. QR Code Scanner : This is a basic feature that is offered by many of the new upcoming smartphones . 3. Screen Recorder : MI just given it's users' this feature in it's upd