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The truth about hacking

The Process of attempting to gain or successfully    gaining, unauthorized access to computer resources   is called   Hacking.
Hacking is been a part of Computer for over 40 year's.The first hacker is from MIT

In  the  computer  security  context,  a  hacker  is someone who  seeks  and  exploits  weaknesses  in  a  computer system  or  computer  network.  The programers prefer to refer them as crakers.
This are the main reasons for hacker to hack a system.
-Just for fun.
-Show off.
-Notify many people their thought.
-Steal important information.
-Destroy enemy’s computer network during the war.

Hacking is mainly divided into two types
- ethical hacking
- unethical hacking
Ethical hacking is where a person hacks to find weaknesses in a system and then usually patches them.This is Often done to protect from. Hacking

Unethical hacking  is often done to break into a network system to steal information or money, and sometimes to cause damage by inserting a virus or malware program.Unethical hacking is against the law, and those who engage in the act are considered cyber criminals.

You should follow following steps if you find out your system is hacked
- shutdown the system
- Remove it from Network so that other systems can't be effected by it
- Restore system with backup
- Now you can connect your system to Network
- It is advisable to inform police
-Can be used to recover lost information where the computer password has   been lost.
-Teaches you that no technology is 100% secure.

-To test how good security is on your own network.
Disadvantages :
- criminals use it to their advantage
- it can harm others privacy.
So it is made illegal.

Keep your password  protected. Write  your password should be with combination of  characters, digits, special symbols.  Do not respond to feck on fishing email. when you are doing any online  transection always keep watch on site whether the protocol of site is https & whether there is a lock symbol .


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