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Brain chips


Thousands of people around the world suffer from paralysis they need to depend on some one for even some basic   tasks brain chips can become  a handy at this case .Brains are made with a view to enhance the memory of human beings, to help paralyzed patients, and are also intended to serve military purposes. It is likely that implantable computer chips acting as sensors,
This is like a implantable computer chip in brain. This consists of both biological and electronic term's.

A chip in the Braingate system is of 100 hair thin electrodes.It senses electromagnetic signature of Neutrons.The Brain chip provides fast and reliable connection between the brain of a severely disabled person and personal computer.
Braingate is a technology is a technology by which the electrical signal is exchanged by neurons within the brains are used to execute body moment . 

Hardware of brain chips 

It mainly consists of. Four parts

A Four millimeter square silicon chip studded with 100 hair-thin, micro electrodes is embedded in brain’s primary motor cortex.
The signal from the brain is transmitted through the pedestal plug attached to the skull.
The signal travels to an amplifier where it is converted to optical data and bounced by fibre-optic cable to a computer.
A brain-computer interface uses electrophysiological signals to control remote devices
This technology uses alogirithm and patren matching technique to facilities communication.This are written in c,Java mathlab.

Brain implant enhance capability of human organs and senses
By improving this we may get super human intelegence.


The easiest and least invasive method is to use a device with a set of electrode known as an electroencephalograph (EEG) -attached to the scalp.
The electrodes can read brain signals. 
To get a higher resolution signal, scientists can implant electrodes directly into the gray matter of the brain itself, or on the surface of the brain, beneath the skull.


      -Navigate Internet.                      
-   Play Computer Games.
-   Turn Lights On and Off.
-   Control Television.
-   Control Robotic Arm.
-civil survillence
- Driverless vehicles
-Drones and air transport
-Security and cyber security
-Speech recognition
-Eye and ear implants, prostheses
-Financial technology

Benefits of brain gate:

-It will increase the dynamic ranging of senses.
-It will give light to blind and give paralyzed patients full mental control of limbs.
-No genetic modifications in the next generation.
-Rescue missions
-They hold great potential for people who are paralyzed or otherwise unable to use their hands. This is also true for people whos hands are just otherwise occupied.
 every technology have a limitations this limitations are responsible for building new technologies.Even this brain chip technology has some limitations


-The current technology is crude.
-Ethical issues may prevent its development.
-Electrodes outside of the skull can detect very few electric signals from the brain.
-Electrodes placed inside the skull create scar tissue in the brain.
-     BCIs are currently fairly inaccurate in terms of classifying neural activity.
-The BrainGate helps the patients who cannot perform even simple actions without the help of another person.
-Such paitents are able to do things like checking e-mails, turn the TV on or off, and control a prosthetic arm with just their thoughts.
-BrainChip technology does not promise miracles.For instance, say that a paralysed man will one day walk using an artificial leg by his thoughts alone.


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