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rule based machine translation

Hi friend today let us know about rule based machine translation.this one of  approaches of machine translation and this is  earliest machine translation approach
Rule-based machine translation (RbMT) refers to a machine translation engine built on algorithms that analyze the syntax of the source language and uses rules to transfer the meaning to the target language by building a sentence. 
The rule based machine translation systems are developed  in early 1970’s they are
-Japanese mt
At present following companies using  rule based machine translation are
 The RBMT is based on linking structure  of given input with structure of demanded output service necessarily preserving their unique meaning.
For this process we need following
-          A dictionary that will map every world of source language to target language
-          Rules representing regular source sentence structure
-          Rules representing  target  sentence structure

The rgbt system contains following
·          SL morphological analyzer - analyses a source language word and provides the morphological information;
·          SL parser - is a syntax analyzer which analyses source language sentences;
·          translator - used to translate a source language word into the target language;
·          TL morphological generator - works as a generator of appropriate target language words for the given grammatical information;
·          TL parser - works as a composer of suitable target language sentences;
·         Several dictionaries - more specifically a minimum of three dictionaries:
a SL dictionary - needed by the source language morphological analyser for morphological analysis,
a bilingual dictionary - used by the translator to translate source language words into target language words,
a TL dictionary - needed by the target language morphological generator to generate target language words.

-No bilingual texts required. Can be used for  translation that don’t have any  no texts in common
-Domain independent .rules will work on most of domains
-No quality ceiling. Every error can be corrected with targeted rule even if triggered case is rare
-Total control. Easy to debug since most of rules are hand written
- Reusability.  the source language analysis and target language generation parts can be shared between multiple translation systems, requiring only the transfer step to be specialized.
-          Unavailability of really  good dictionaries
-          Some linguistic information still needs to be set manually.
-          It is hard to deal with rule interactions in big systems, ambiguity, and idiomatic expressions.

-           Failure to adopt new domains


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