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Green computing


green computing is environmental friendly and Eco friendly use of computer resources.It is also defined as and disposing of computing devices in a way that reduces their environmental impact.
It involves implementation  of energy-efficient CPUs,servers and peripherals.This is needed to prevent wastage of power consumption of is needed to reduce pollution  due to manufacturing techniques,,packaging,disposal of computers and components.this is also needed to reduce toxicity as there are toxic chemicals used in the manufacturing of computers and components which can enter the food chain and water.
In one word green computing means usage of computer in a such a way that it could save environment,energy,money.

 lead,mercury,cadmium are chemicals that we use generally in CPU's this are very harmful to our body.

How to achieve green computing?

This can be achieved by using  bamboo,recycle bale plastic,eco friendly flame redundant,inventory management,voice reduction. by implementing this techniques we can achieve green computing.

One of the first manifestations of the green computing movement was the launch of energy star  program back in 1992.
  Energy Star served as a kind of voluntary label awarded to computing products that succeeded in minimizing use of energy while maximizing efficiency.
GOOGLE also introduced a website called blackie which is powered by google this saves energy during usage of internet by reducing by displaying a black background.

precautions needed to save power consumption:

  Turn off the computer when not in use, Use power saver mode
  Use hardware/software with the Energy Star label
   Don’t print unless necessary and you are ready
  Use LCDs instead of CRTs as they are more power efficient
  Consider a smaller monitor-a 14-inch display uses 40% less energy than a 17-inch one.
  Enable Stand By/Sleep mode.

Disposal of waste

           Toxic chemicals in electronics products can reach into the land over time or are released into the atmosphere, impacting nearby communities and the environment..

   green computing can solve this problem by implementing reusing,recycling,reducing.
thus by implementing this procedure the impact of e-waste on environment due to computers can be greatly reduced.


Through more environmentally aware usage(such as more effective power management & shut-down during periods of inactivity) and by adopting current lower power technologies, computers can be made significantly more energy efficient.



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