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Hi guys we are back again with a new seminar topic and a interesting technology called LiFi
here is abstract on LiFi



Light Fidelity or  li-Fiis a Visible Light Communications (VLC) system running wireless communications traveling at very high speeds. It is a wireless optical networking technology that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for data transmission.

Ever since the invention of wheel the technology is updating, covering the problems of its preceding technology. In fact the problems in the technology  gave rise to many interesting technology. This is also happened in case of lifi.
Even though wifi technology is good the following factors need to be improved



 And also maximum speed  that can be achieved by wifi is 9gb p/s. To improve the above factors lot of research is done in  Visible light communication technology and lifi is introduced in 2011.

With the development of technology Li-Fi has evolved. This technology  was proposed by German Physicist Harald Haas in 2011.With the use of light radiating diodes Li-Fi technology transfers data through wireless.There has been a complete shift in wireless technology due to increase in demand for faster and more secure data transmission


Li-Fi uses light from LEDs, instead of radio waves as in the case of Wi-Fi, to send information in the form of binary data. This binary data is received by the receiver equipped with decoder that decrypts the data and triggers actions in your smart device.  

The main components of Li-Fi system are high brightness white LED which acts as transmission source & a silicon photodiode with good response to visible light as the receiving element. LEDs can be switched on and off to generate digital strings of different combination of 1s and 0s.

Here are some of advantages of lifi
-It is best for high density coverage in a confined region.
-It is more efficient in terms of both cost and Energy
-It is more secure as data transmison is in line of sight.
-Since it opreate Optical bands it is harmless


Every technology has some drawbacks simlary lifi also have following drawbacks

-These signals cannot penetrate walls. So the person needs wired bulb in that room also. 

-This Only works if there is direct line of sight between source and receiver.

-Used for broadcast and it is difficult to up link.


-Underwater communications:  Radio waves cannot be used under water because these waves are strongly absorbed by sea water within feet of their transmission and this renders it unusable underwater but LIFI is suitable for underwater communication 

-Health sector: Since  Radio signals emited by WIFI is not safe to be used in hospitals and other various health care sectors because it penetrates human body. LIFI can be implemented and well suit in this sector. Because lifi uses Visible spectrum which do not harm us

- Internet anywhere: street lamps, light of vehicles can be used to access internet anywhere in footpaths, roads, malls, anywhere where light source is available.

-Safety and management: it can be used to update traffic information at almost every instant and it will be easy for traffic police to deal with traffic and catch the one who breaks the rule.


Finding the location of a person : 

LiFi uses visible light and this property can be exploited in finding the location of people. Suppose if a child is misplaced and he/she is wearing an earring which is made of Led’s. this led can constantly communicate with the visible light available and reveal the location of the child.

Navigation System : Since visible light is present everywhere, we can create internal navigation systems for the bigger areas to create automated machinery/ automatic navigation for the visitors.


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