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Eye tribe - The revolution in optical technology

Eventogh many technology are available in market that could control devices by eye moment eye tribe  is relatively cheaper.It is invented by a team from  IT University of Copenhagen  with a vision of providing a way of communication for disabled people at low price in 2009 they came with a product called ITU gaze tracker.It is one of most downloaded eye open source eye tracker.It helped people who are in need of eye tracking technology.
Then they decided to increase scope of their technology to be used by everyone in third day to day life.I. 2011 they partispated in  startup weekend mobile event program where they met other skilled professional with thier  effort they made other product known as senseye and the company eye tribe is born
2012, about a year after the company was founded, The Eye Tribe raised 1 Million US dollars in funding from a group of European investors. The Eye Tribe is now leading a 4.4 Million US dollars project co-founded by The Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation to develop eye control for mobile devices.
In 2013 they displayed first eye tracking Android tablet
It made sdk to be available for developers but it can't run on all the devicces they needed a special hardware requirements
They lanched this Android tabs in demo mobile 2013
Which is a lanch event that mainly concentrate onbest new mobile technologies based on design, innovation and market potential.
Their they are praised by various delegates
The hardware requirements of the technology can be met at a one dollar bill of materials cost, allowing real eye tracking at consumer friendly prices, and a seamless integration into the next generation of smartphones and tablets. "Unlike the current mobile face and eye detection solutions, our software is capable of submilli meter pupil tracking, which means it is possible to tell where someone is looking on a screen with an accuracy comparable to the size of your fingertip
Here is

They became quit famous after that and now it is aquired by a company called oculus


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