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waymo the self driving car


Waymo is an autonomous car development company.It is a spun out of Google’s parent company,Alphabet inc.,,in 2016 December. Alphabet describes Waymo as “a self-driving tech company with a mission to make it safe and easy for people and things to move around”

This driverless car can steer itseif while looking out for obstacles.It can stop and go based on traffic condition.It is the combination of different technologies developed by google.That will allow car to drive itself even on highway.

The project is currently being led by:  Sebastian Thrun

He is the Director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

2005 PA Grand Challenge           Winner

2006  Co-inventor of Google Street     View.

Some features of this car are:

Ø Uses Google map, sensors, artificial intelligence

Ø Lidar produced detailed map of the environment

Ø Car uses white stripes on road to know lanes

Ø 360 degree motion sensor and cameras to sense

Ø Control of the car still exist

Ø Sensors pushing data into main computer to process information

Some hardware sensors are also used such as;






1.The motors are first have to be installed

2.Apply pressure to both accelerator, brake pedals and turn the wheels

3.Motor receiving instructions from computer

4.Lidar used to detect objects and distance cameras detect traffic light

6.Control of the car would still exist


1.Improved fuel efficiency

2.It will be of great help to people who are physically challenged

3.Higher speed limit for autonomous cars

4.Reduction of space required for vehicle parking.

5.Fewer traffic collision


1.So many taxi drivers can lose their jobs

2.It steals driving pleasure from drivers who love it

3.It requires that the road are in good condition and follows a strict traffic system.


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