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C11 - The latest update of c

C11 (formerly C1X)  is an name for ISO/IEC 9899:2011,the current standard for the c language.The previous C standard formally as C99  is replaced by this C11.This new version gets supported by most main stream C compilers

The new standard passed its final draft review on 10th October 2011.It was officially ratified by ISO and publishes as ISO/IEC 9899:2011 on 8th December 2011

Some of the features of C11 are supported by the GCC starting with the version 4.6,Clang starting with the version 3.1 and IBM XL C starting with version 12.1.

This C11 includes several changes to the C99 language and library specifications, such as:
  • Alingmment specification header file
  • The _Noreturn function specifier and the  <stdnoreturn> header file
  • -generic expressions using the _genric keyword
  •  Multi- threading support (_Thread_local storage-class specifier,threads header including thread creation/management functions     And many more

 C’s security has always been a matter of concern.some insecure features such as string manipulation functions which don’t check bounds and and file I/O functions that don’t validate their arguments .These have been fertile source of malicious code attacks.

C11 with a new set of safer statndarad functions tackles these issues  and aim to replace the traditional unsafe functions.C11 additionally includes Unicode support, compliance with IEC 60559 floating-point arithematic and IEC 60559 complex arithematic, memory alignment facilities ,anonymous structs and unions, and noreturn function specifier.
 But its still follows principle of Function oriented language.It still carries disadvantages of function oriented programming. The below keywords are added in c11

They are still working on further updates in c
Reason for learning c:
- it provides basic of programing concepts
- it provides best understanding of computer functioning
-it provides basic rules of library
- it makes understanding of logic easier


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